The area and volume of the lake vary due to long-term and short-term fluctuations in water level.
The disadvantage is that the stop price could be triggered by a short-term fluctuation in a stock's price.
The other mechanism causes excessive short-term fluctuations and is undesirable.
Because you don't really want to bother worrying about the short-term fluctuations, do you?
The food price trend, as opposed to short-term fluctuations, over the war years was in the region of plus 65-85 per cent.
Some short-term macroeconomic fluctuations are attributed to the inventory cycle.
I think the policies that we are taking not with standing short-term fluctuations will lead to a strong and stable dollar in the medium term.
And short-term fluctuations should not affect financial plans that are intended to meet targets 20, 30 or even 40 years out.
The interesting question is whether business is more at risk from short-term fluctuations or long-term trends.
Total area of cropland in Nebraska increased until the 1930s, but then showed long-term stability with large short-term fluctuations.