Gettysburg relied on the 3-pointer throughout the game, shooting 43 percent beyond the line and only 28 percent in front of it.
The Chiefs are shooting for a 13-3 record and beyond.
She shoots her 20-gauge shotgun in the back in an open area beyond the pond.
Kevin recorded averages of 9.81 points and 1.61 rebounds, while shooting 37.39% beyond the arc.
The men in the car were shooting beyond their mark, for they hadn't expected The Shadow's sudden halt.
It shot on toward the avenue beyond the apartment building.
He also shot 36.4 percent beyond the arc (2nd).
But the matter of Breck's innocence shoots beyond itself.
The Knicks shot 3 for 24 from beyond 15 feet in the first half, and the rout was on.
Anybody shoots beyond his sector again and it's ten days in the glass house when we're out of this cop.