The program is working to transform Oakland into a socially just, spiritually connected, ecologically sustainable city with shared prosperity for all.
Within 25 years we envision a North American area of shared prosperity, where goods, services, capital and people can move more freely across borders.
The American dream was about expanding opportunities and widely shared prosperity.
And to increase shared prosperity, we will work to launch a Free Trade Area of the Americas.
Will globalism bring shared prosperity, or make the desperate of the world even more desperate?
At home, we built a shared prosperity that created the largest middle-class in history.
Let us end the hypocrisy and stop declaring our commitment to creating an area of shared prosperity.
We are also requesting the creation of an area of shared prosperity through the strengthening of regional markets between now and the year 2010.
In a nutshell, this means working towards the shared prosperity which is the objective of the Barcelona Process and our neighbourhood policy.
The common thread here is the renewed determination among political leaders and civil society to build a humane world of shared prosperity.