For all age groups, the researchers found, children who adjusted most successfully had parents who were communicative and shared information about what was going on.
Strangers don't have access to this same shared information which leads to poorer performance in these kinds of tasks.
The results from the experiment showed that the pairs completed the task 30-40% faster when they were given shared visual information.
Video on demand desperately needed to establish measurement matrices to prove its economic viability, but the lack of shared and consistent information further confounded knowledge about use.
Calculation of the disjunctive shared information (DiShIn) without requiring preliminary calculations.
Although discussing unshared information may be enlightening, groups are often motivated to discuss shared information in order to reach group consensus on some course of action.
Given that group members tend to discuss shared information first, longer meetings increase likelihood of reviewing unshared information as well.
I think there's more shared information now.
First of all, the aim of the system is to provide, useful, complementary and shared information on upcoming flood events to the national hydrological services.
Deliberators may emphasize shared information at the expense of uniquely held information.