The old master at shared enthusiasm is Mark Miller at Benmarl Vineyards, in Marlboro on the west side of the Hudson.
To Prentiss Morgan a man's race and the color of his skin were nothing a shared enthusiasm was all that really mattered.
But Miss Monk said that her strongest link with Mr. McFerrin, in addition to the sheer love of singing, has been a shared enthusiasm for improvisation.
This tour was a good reminder that in spite of all the partisan bickering there are areas of shared enthusiasm.
They watched the unfolding of the French Revolution with shared enthusiasm.
The criteria for compatibility had little to do with mutual affection or a shared enthusiasm for spicy food and Fleetwood Mac.
What anthem can whites and blacks possibly sing with shared enthusiasm after centuries of hostility?
Niches and coteries form organically, as like-minded people bond in cyberspace over shared enthusiasms.
With such shared enthusiasm for playing a diverse range of musical styles coupled with their emphasis on extended improvisation, Led Zeppelin's concerts frequently extended for several hours.
Another is a shared enthusiasm.