He concentrates on the shared elements of the peace process that he says both mainstream Israelis and Palestinians agree on.
This restricted site condition caused the new building to be formed into two shared elements: a four-storey academic block, and a Sports Hall with performance space.
Apparently shared elements of Uralo-Siberian morphology include the following:
He attempted to develop a form of syncretism whereby different systems of thought could be harmonized based on shared elements of truth.
Have I transcended the shared elements.
These shared elements also include transgressive sexual acts or, in some cases, sexual dysfunction.
A deeper understanding of developmental biology shows that common morphology is, in fact, the product of shared genetic elements.
Therefore, the similarity in sets can not be based on the number of shared elements in the set.
This fold, and the location of the disulphide bonds, are a shared element between toxins stemming from arthropods.
This is achieved through the ability to create a partial implementation of a solution that includes only the most critical mechanisms and shared elements.