There are a lot of shared components at many different layers of the stack.
Development costs decreased by about 25 billion yen ($218 million) due to shared components.
Because of the shared components between the 140 and 164, several private parties have constructed station wagon and 2-door hardtop versions with 164 front ends.
According to AMD, the shared components help reduce power consumption and die space while the dedicated hardware helps increase performance and scalability.
All shared standard components including the frame, cab, traction alternator, trucks, traction motors, and air brakes.
AMC also improved manufacturing efficiency and lowered costs by incorporating shared components such as engines.
It is also the study of shared components and mechanisms between the two systems in vertebrates, including ligands, receptors, signaling molecules and transcription factors.
To contain the scope of failures and of corrupted data, these multi-computer systems have no shared central components, not even main memory.
The Mercury Cougar also often shared components.
Sm protein is a shared component of spliceosomal snRNPs.