That made it okay for me to share my attention too.
There is often a video projector attached to a computer, with which the hosts will share and/or augment their attention and speaking point.
Parents with four children also admitted neglecting one or more of their children on occasion, and find it harder to share their attention equally amongst everyone.
Conflicted love (Amelia and Gabriele) shares our attention with Boccanegra's struggles with his noble opposition.
Initially, he had been resentful of having to share his mother's undivided attention at the hearth.
She can not accept herself sharing their attention and regards with her co-star Florence.
Finally she decided on her sister and her husband, though only if they were willing to leave the kids at home; she didn't want Blundy to have to share his guests' attention with children.
Neither of them wanted to share the president's attention.
Although Timmy yearned for a father, he may not have understood that it would mean having to share his mother's attention with someone else.
Another female approached and began nudging the expectant mother to move over and share the male's attention.