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A key part of the ability to develop this relationship may be joint attention.
Joint attention is the shared focus of two individuals on an object.
The ability to engage in joint attention is crucial for language development.
The ability to identify intention is critical to joint attention.
At around 9-12 months infants begin engaging in joint attention.
Joint attention is important for many aspects of language development including comprehension, production and word learning.
Joint attention and book reading are important factors that affect children's vocabulary growth.
For an individual to engage in joint attention they must establish reference.
Research indicates that if joint attention skills are improved, language development may follow.
When joint attention is present, it plays an important role in word learning, a crucial aspect of language development.
This joint attention to objects and events fosters early language development.
Joint attention plays an important role in the development of theory of mind.
These joint attention skills seem to be prerequisites for functional language development.
Joint attention is when two individuals share the same attention on a particular object.
For parents with deaf children, joint attention (an important component to language development) is problematic.
And because there are clear goals in daily routines, developing joint attention is also made easier.
They found toddlers with a large amygdala also had joint attention problems.
At 9 months of age, infants begin to display triadic joint attention.
Joint attention is also important for social learning.
There are matters affecting park management that will require their joint attention on a regular basis.
This increased level of joint attention aids in encouraging normal language development, including word comprehension and production.
Joint attention skills include showing, pointing, and sharing an event or object with another person in an effort to share the experience.
Shared gaze is the lowest level of joint attention.
From joint attention to the meeting of minds.
But his joint attention is the most aggravating, especially non-verbal gestures.
"We know people are watching with shared attention," he said.
The focus here is shared attention, which involves learning and interacting socially.
Lack of what she calls "shared attention."
Shared attention and perspective taking are two mechanisms Leonardo has access to that help it interact naturally with humans.
In developing this temporal perspective-switching, children start to take memories as objects for negotiation, shared attention, and discussion.
Joint attention (also: shared attention) is the shared focus of two individuals on an object.
It must be able to learn quickly using the mechanisms humans already use (like spatial scaffolding, shared attention, mimicry, and perspective taking).
Each individual must understand that the other individual is looking at the same object and realize that there is an element of shared attention.
Have shared attention.
Other species, such as great apes, understand the basics of intentionality; however, they do not exhibit behavior that suggests a willingness to engage in shared attention.
Even as all the guests in the room fixed their shared attention upon him, he seemed like a dark, vaguely amphibian statue at the end of the table.
Some useful tips on getting and maintaining your child's attention Shared Attention 15/06/00 N.B.
For Clark, by using words to think with, we artificially create an approximation of stable, context-independent, abstract representations for later inspection, manipulation, and shared attention.
Differential effects of shared attention on perception of heading and 3-D object motion. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Entrez/query?
The Network and NIAID have a close, cooperative working relationship, with shared attention to the intellectual and scientific issues.
Instead of outward, their shared attention plunged down, toward the source of gravity and light, where immense slender edifices whirled in tight orbit around a compact star.
The Norwegian shared attention with Thai amateur Ariya Jutanugarn, at 11 years 11 months 2 days the youngest qualifier to play an LPGA Tour event.
We believe that even in a time when resources have to be managed particularly prudently, we can focus our shared attention on those key opportunities to make a clear difference for the sustainability of our communities.
The various factors which elicit pointing, such as distance and spatial location in relation to the infant, whether the object is moving or not, will provide important information about the nature of the processes involved which support shared attention.
Learning to remember in company, or joint reminiscing, is one of the core forms of shared attention in childhood, a form which is directed specifically towards the past even when it also serves current or action-oriented purposes.
In addition, Brune and Woodward (2007) found that infants who produce object-directed points tended to have an understanding of pointing and infants who engaged in shared attention tended to have an understanding of eye gaze.
The fusiform face area of the human brain plays a large role in face perception and recognition; however it does not provide useful information for processing emotion recognition, emotional tone, shared attention, impulsive activation of person knowledge and trait implications based on facial appearance.
Other topics Gilbert has addressed in one or more of her publications include agreements and promises, authority, collective emotions, collective responsibility, personal decisions and intentions, marital love, mutual recognition, patriotism, rights (in particular claim-rights), shared attention, shared values, social rules, and social unity.
As Folklórico Nacional became more prevalent in the promotion of rumba, the dance "shifted from its original locus, street corners, where it often shared attention with parallel activities of traffic, business, and socializing, to its secondary quarters, the professional stage, to another home, the theatrical patio."
First there was "Rinaldo" in 1984, a production borrowed from Canada's National Arts Center in which the vocal feats of Marilyn Horne, Samuel Ramey and Benita Valente shared attention with a spectacular battle between soldier-acrobats and a dragon-powered chariot.
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