Kiwanis tries to serve children and youth using two approaches.
The center serves seniors, small business owners as well as local youth.
While most programming is intergenerational, Centrum also provides a series of residential learning experiences that serve youth only.
It is the largest such organization in the Midwest and serves more than 16,000 adults and youth each year throughout the region.
Since then, it has made over $40 million in direct investments in nonprofits serving children and youth.
They serve youth between the ages of 15-30 with resume and cover letter assistance as well as interview preparations.
At present, there are programs serving youth, women, ex-combatants, the churches, victims, and political/ economic leaders.
Continuing financial constraints also hinder the program's ability to serve youth, though it continues to endure.
At that time, it was primarily a summer program serving disadvantaged youth.