The Fourways served Continental European and American dishes under the leadership of chef Jacques Barre.
He was also the deputy leader of the Citizens & Ratepayers ticket from October 2004, serving under the leadership of David Hay.
Cohen has long been active in issues of criminal justice, serving on the Crime and Corrections subcommittee in 1977-1978 under the leadership of Joseph Rhodes.
He is a general serving under the leadership of the Mini-Con Thrust and is suspected of being the real brains behind Thrust's rebellion.
It served as a backdrop for the Marshal Tucker Band's Third Album under the leadership of Billy Sanders.
As an officer of the Haganah, he served under the leadership of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, who would in 1952 become the second president of Israel.
Washington served as assistant director of the choir under the professional leadership of Keith McCutchen.
The Congregation of the Holy Cross was brought in to serve the parish under the leadership of Casimir Sztuczko.
This group of churches served under the leadership of the late Pastor Mesako Sanerivi who formed and encouraged this break away group.
During her tenure in office she served under the leadership of Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón, then Campus President.