The railway was abandoned by 1940 and State Highway 20 served as the town's main link to the outside world.
King's writers have a tendency to serve as conduits to the supernatural world, which usually results in sprees of violence.
A rutted dirt track that served as the road to the outside world meandered off to the southeast.
The most famous was on Yeouido, which once served as the country's gateway to the world.
He serves as the leader of the little expedition to the human world.
At the magazine, he oversaw the business operations, but more importantly served as a link to the world of conservative and Republican politics.
While Eaton had a minor role in the show, it served as her introduction to the world of professional theatre.
More unusually, it serves as a concise introduction to the world of the deaf.
Second, he has effectively served as an ambassador for science and for polymers to the world.
We want to serve notice to the world at large that murder is not taken lightly in Pacific City.