May his memory serve as an inspiration to his entire family.
A man of great warmth whose memory will serve as a blessing to his family and loved ones.
Instead, I went home with one small bag and served dinner to my pitifully small family.
But he will serve a big bird to his family on Christmas or the evening after at his weekend house in Michigan.
I'd feel much better about serving a lighter version to my family and friends.
It wasn't until the administration of John Adams that the residence served as the home to the president and his family.
Bronson hoped the experience would serve as a lesson to his family.
Highly unlikely, but I was uneasy about serving the milk to my family and reluctant to go back to the store.
You're probably wondering if I plan to eat these potatoes, or serve them to my family.
Black and white scenes from the early film show Angela serving a humble dinner to her family under this spouse's watchful eye.