It would serve them both far better than the truth in the days to come.
The information technologies and techniques now being explored by libraries are likely to serve as models for businesses in the years to come.
The dam serves as a prototype in some way to works to come on the future IJsselmeer.
Her memory will serve as a blessing for generations to come.
These buildings would go on to serve as a domestic residence for many owners for approximately 370 years to come.
The wedding draws the whole neighborhood, a happy moment that will soon serve as a stark contrast with the years to come.
I doubt it not; and all these woes shall serve For sweet discourses in our time to come.
I look forward to continuing to serve to the best of my ability in the years to come.
But it also serves as a warm-up for an even more ambitious exhibition still to come.
His exemplary life will serve as an inspiration for generations to come.