As in a pageant, the characters serve principally to illuminate a glorious moment of history, which they do with consistent conviction.
Until then, they will serve principally on the low end, as multi-role patrol/escort platforms.
It serves principally as the welfare contribution to poor and deprived Muslims, although others may have a rightful share.
But it principally served to show the multitude of ways in which homeowners can batten down for the next big disaster.
He went on to serve principally within the armed forces as an Anglican chaplain.
All that remains are a collection of old wooden pilings, serving principally as an obstacle to pleasure boaters.
The station principally serves the town of Highcliffe as Hinton itself is only a few houses.
The Board of Selectmen principally serves as the executive branch of town government.
It is now supported by several foundations and principally serves Bronx residents.
Aid must serve principally to create local diversified supply capacity.