In 1999, the restaurant seated 350 people and the restaurant's 330 employees served over 1000 people per day.
It has served over 5,700 people across Wales and Ireland.
The restaurant claims to serve on average over 250,000 people a year.
After launching in 2010, the program doubled enrollment and now serves over 2,800 people, including 800 children.
If the fire department serves over 1,000,000 people it is eligible for $2.75 million.
The campus has a food court that serves over 800 people and is centrally air conditioned.
There are now eleven restaurants serving over 50,000 people a week.
With diverse class offerings and student population, the centre serves over 150,000 people in metro Atlanta each year.
Northern Health serves over 300,000 people in an area of 600,000 square kilometers.
However, in 1569, there were still only four monks serving over 5,000 native people.