He also served on the Appropriations, Transportation, Law and Justice, and Environmental Resources and Energy committees.
Representative Straus currently serves as the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Transportation.
During his tenure, Perez served on the committees for Health and Humans Services, and Transportation and the Environment.
Gantt currently serves as Chairman of the Committee on Transportation.
He also served on the House Committees on Armed Services and Transportation and Infrastructure.
Houck served on the Finance, Transportation, Rules, General Laws and Technology committees.
Welker was first elected into public office in 2003 and served on two committees, Business Affairs and Labor, and Transportation and Energy.
He served as a member of the committees on Corrections and the Courts, Transportation, and Energy and Utilities.
Mineta served as chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure between 1992 and 1994.
As a senator, he served as chairman of the Committee on Tourism, Transportation, and Economic Development.