"I serve in military intelligence," said the 37-year-old lieutenant colonel, who would not give his name.
However, it was discovered that he was being misleading about his military service, serving in intelligence and not a combat role.
He served in the ranks of the infantry, then in intelligence, largely in Asia and the subcontinent.
He married in 1915, and served in military intelligence during the First World War, reaching the rank of captain.
He served in armor, military intelligence, and civil affairs assignments.
He served tours in naval intelligence, several as assistant naval attaché to France.
He had helped with the boat shows before serving in military intelligence during the war.
He stayed on in the army, serving in the signal corps and in military intelligence until 1977.
Harrison returned to service as a major, serving in intelligence for the South African Air Force.
Serving in intelligence, he used his knowledge of Japanese to translate medical documents and to help interrogate prisoners.