There are two lifts in each block, one of which serves even-numbered floors, the other one odd-numbered floors.
The lifts are scattered about, and each one serves only selected floors.
The elevator serving even floors is actually on top of the elevator serving odd floors in the same lift shaft.
If the riser serving odd-numbered floors was damaged, for example, the other riser would still send water to floors above and below.
A new entrance for the convention business is to be built on 53d Street and new escalators will serve the ballroom- and meeting-room floors.
A bank of elevators in the rear serves floors from the basement through the sixth floor.
The building features double-deck elevators, which are separated to serve only odd or even floors.
The East bank of elevators serve floors 2-14.
The "protected space" is a similar concept to the shelter but serves individual apartment units, building floors, or other public areas.
A lift serves most floors.