He found himself wondering about the men who served below them, the workers and the warriors like this one.
The modules are linked by single-story connections that also serve as entrances with stairways down to the surface 4m below the base.
One of their products is "hard cider" that is fortified with distilled spirits and typically served at or below 48 proof.
The hallway includes a staircase to the ground level, which serves as an emergency exit for the apartment below mine.
This opening was the back wall of a flight of steps which served as the emergency exit below Eighteenth Street.
Serving below the Chief are three Deputy Chiefs.
Criticisms resulted in plans to improve program services, by for example serving children above and below preschool age.
In some smaller agencies, a chief deputy may serve as the senior ranking officer below the sheriff.
An HTS is similar to a high school, in Dutch countries they serve as the education level just below university.
Today aside from its original purposes the dam serves for recreation both above and below the structure.