The pod people work together to secretly spread more pods - which grew from "seeds drifting through space for years" - in order to replace the entire human race.
Once they were released, they continued to secretly spread the gospel to other mountain villages, accompanied by a Taiwanese evangelist named Liu Rong-shu.
Viruses are potentially destructive programs that secretly spread between computers.
Viruses are potentially disruptive programs that secretly spread between computers by hiding on floppy disks or attaching themselves to files and other data processed by computers.
In the meantime, Luvini and some of the other blacks had succeeded in secretly spreading the propaganda of revolt among the slaves of the Arabs.
Rogue Software Is Loose A program that can secretly spread from computer to computer and destroy data has been found in commercial software.
A recurring theme in Strugatskies' fiction were progressors: agents of utopian future Earth who secretly spread scientistic and social progress to underdeveloped planets.
Nevertheless, the principles of the Social Revolution spread secretly from European country to country, whether it professed to be Monarchical or Republican.
Viruses, so named because they mimic in the computer world the behavior of biological viruses, are programs, or sets of instructions, that can be secretly spread among computers.
Infections by viruses, programs that can secretly spread between computers and alter or destroy data, have increased dramatically.