Data from investigations in Africa in the 1980's suggested that in household settings, secondary transmission occurred to about 8 15% of contacts.
The 19 cases represent secondary transmission to 14 family members and 5 health care workers.
This disease has been characterized by secondary transmission in the health care setting and within households.
Advise exposed persons to use precautions to prevent secondary transmission during the follow-up period.
The 20 cases represent secondary transmission to 15 family members and five health care workers.
In "secondary transmission" during vector oviposition, the nematode is transported to another dead tree and continues in the mycophagous phase.
L. No. 111-175, in order that certain secondary transmissions by satellite carriers for private home viewing be subject to statutory licensing.
Sometimes a secondary transmission is integrated with the differential in the rear axle, called a "two-speed rear end."
It moves, in so-called secondary transmission, from addicts and bisexual men to their heterosexual partners.
The remaining case is an infant who was likely infected by secondary transmission within the household.