The alternative, feeding babies infant formula, is an excellent second-best option, one that has clearly succeeded in nourishing millions of healthy children.
They shouldn't have to settle for the second-best option of a civil partnership.
But bad advice, including the assertion that new formulas are "an excellent second-best option," relieves little guilt while promoting the erroneous belief that formula is just as good.
"I'd rather have him alive to find out all he knew, but this is the second-best option."
E Map Hotel restaurants in the principality are not second-best options, as this stunning eating space testifies.
That agreement should be produced with the widest possible participation of Iraqi political (ethnic, religious and ideological) forces that accept representative government and competitive elections as at least the second-best option.
If we're not capable of having a serious discussion about new taxes, the second-best option would be lavish incentives for companies to sell a fuel-efficient fleet.
He said that even while the committee's own analysis and data supports the formation of an independent Telangana, it only recommended this as the second-best option.
This is not a second-best option; on the contrary, it would give Turkey most of the benefits of full membership with few of the costs.
Rather, bitter antagonists come to see a democratic accommodation as their second-best option - worse than the domination they would prefer, but better than the mutual destruction that they risk through continued strife.