He seems to have visited England and a considerable part of western France, but Normandy was the chief scene of his labours.
Several ancient writers mention India as the scene of Thomas' labours.
Thus, under the dripping trees, and environed by huge and moving shadows, they reached the scene of their unhallowed labours.
From Cartagena, the scene of his first labours, St. Louis was sent to Panama, where in a comparatively short time he converted some 6,000 people.
He volunteered for the foreign missions, but Tuscany, the Papal States, and the chief cities of Italy were to be the scene of his labours.
Armour had not, apparently, proceeded to the scene of his labours without instructions.
This vast concave was the scene of his labours for Mr Troutham the farmer, and he descended into the midst of it.
Proud left in 1799 owing to disputes with the proprietors, and the chapel subsequently became the scene of Edward Irving's labours.
He left the scene of his daily labours quickly like an unobtrusive shadow.
Parthia is said to have been the chief scene of John's apostolical labours.