Since the scandal has spread to 13 other European countries, European authorities have decided to find an EU-wide solution.
It is possible that scandals could spread to members of the Roh Government, many of whom are holdovers from the previous government.
As the scandal spreads to many companies, an escalating turf war could become a drain on resources, with regulators unleashing competitive lawsuits.
By early March, the scandal had spread to include more than just allegations of phone calls affecting the election outcome.
But it is unlikely that the scandal will spread to other members of the Government's elite bureaucracy.
But the allegations reflect the volatility of the airport scandal and widespread fears about how far the scandal could spread.
But even before the ministry announced the punishments today, the scandal had spread to another big brokerage house.
But even if the cheating was confined to the five boroughs, how could Mr. Sobol be so sure the scandal wouldn't spread?
The scandal would spread to 33 players and involve the world of organized crime.
When and if that widely suspected connection is uncovered, the scandal will spread wider still.