The damp, rusty surface of the metal bit into his hands, alternately aiding and hindering him.
In fact, a converter actually requires a rusty surface to work.
In fact, rust converters actually require a rusty surface if they are to work.
These can be applied to rusty surfaces that have not been extensively cleaned.
Maybe we were looking at a rusty surface, like that of Mars.
The pitted, rusty surface of the hull was moving only inches from his face, closer when a bolthead went by.
If you accidentally brush up against a rusty surface, you'll be rewarded with a serious laundry stain.
His groping finger touched the rusty surface of a tin can.
Suddenly the ground dropped away from beneath him, and Kirk was sailing through the air, a hundred meters above the rusty surface of the lake.
The pipe has a rusty surface, and some cloth had been run over it.