The moment it did so, he kicked off the wheel brakes and the Hercules rolled ponderously forward.
Looking down at the valley, he could plainly see the large drays rolling ponderously up toward the main Camp.
For the inmates, the complex appeared to roll ponderously, like a giant ship in a heavy swell.
In the east the storm clouds were rolling ponderously towards them once more, the brief respite was almost over.
It rolled ponderously against a cabinet door.
The trundle dolly rolled ponderously back through the door of the hangar, going under cover.
Hudson looked up into the heavy underbellies of the clouds rolling ponderously across the wnke-shrouded mountains.
The army seemed almost to crawl across the barren landscape as the clouds continued to roll ponderously overhead.
I turned away and stepped to the curb as the touring car rolled ponderously up.
It rolled ponderously, as if it were having trouble understanding how to attack a thing so much smaller than a ship, and attacking it alone.