And in a landscape of endlessly rolling white hills with no landmarks, it would be suicide for most to try to navigate across the bowl of the Plains.
A light drizzle was falling, and low clouds rolled endlessly in from the southwest.
As the storm clouds roll endlessly across the city sky, there are those who actually delight in the deluge because they profit from the downpours.
The ocean stretched away, a vast, flat blue surface streaked with the foaming crests of waves that rolled endlessly toward distant shores.
Did the ominous wheel of history endlessly roll even among the dead?
She turned and poked a paw at the slidewalk endlessly rolling past the edge of the platform they stood on.
Looking out the window, she could see the plains in the distance, rolling, rolling endlessly, as empty as the moon.
The country rolled endlessly beyond his sight, and he abandoned himself to the routine of riding, resting, eating and sleeping.
Do they envision themselves endlessly rolling an S.U.V. up a steep slope, only to have it roll back down on them?
The whole coast was a mass of leaping foam and flying spray, and far away to the horizon white- topped waves rolled endlessly.