Coming from that direction was a solitary man in a rickety cart being pulled by a bony white horse.
With tender care the two men lifted the sleeping little King of France into the rickety cart.
Chapter Five The rickety old cart was downtown now.
One tale says that there were three drunk friends walking home one night, when they came across an old man on a rickety cart.
"Over here," Polyam said, going to a small, rickety cart.
According to Ellen's mother, upon the girl's return home on a rickety cart, she began to feel drowsy and had several seizures.
"Well, boy," the humorous old man in the rickety cart said to me, "I see you're still headed west."
"A very old friend of mine used to travel around in a rickety two-wheeled cart."
"The only thing people are going to see is a humorous fellow in a rickety cart."
She shook her head and waited to reply until after a rickety cart passed by.