Jean Friday of Pittsburgh, a spokeswoman for a group of retired steelworkers, described the bill as "an abomination."
Lorenzo East, a retired steelworker, said there was some justice in the fact that the company was punished as well.
"I wouldn't be able to stand it," the father, a retired steelworker, said, citing his frail health and high blood pressure.
A retired steelworker complimented me on my coveralls, pointing with pride to his own - the same brand as mine - only 35 years older.
He has focused his efforts on fighting to enforce U.S. trade laws, and securing health benefits for retired steelworkers.
"There's something definitely wrong here," said James W. Jacobs, a retired steelworker.
We have steel mills in this country that have over $4 an hour in health-care costs for retired steelworkers.
The plan contains one key, and controversial, element: a government takeover of some $13 billion in health care costs for retired steelworkers.
Thousands of retired steelworkers also experienced reductions in their benefits, totaling about $500 million.
You'll be telling us that you're a retired steelworker next, for the millionth time this week.