The VIM model emphasizes the use of retired medical professionals and community volunteers to deliver quality health care services within a caring, nurturing environment.
Commenting on the blog or participating on either of the message boards require registration; the Long Room is limited to current and retired financial professionals.
So successful has the retired professionals' program been that it was copied by about 130 other schools around the country as a way of teaching older students.
To fill the void, a group of retired professionals from the community stepped in to create the Affiliates of Purchase College.
The VIM model relies on retired medical professionals and community volunteers who can deliver health care services.
They take courses for $140 a term that are taught by other retired professionals.
The institute, founded in 1962, allows retired professionals to share knowledge gathered in their careers.
The area, a mixture of poorer urban slums and middle-class dwellings, once home to many retired professionals, has been troubled for years.
Students, professionals on sabbatical or retired professionals from a variety of backgrounds are needed.
That plan, which would involve both active and retired professionals, would cost $45 million.