John Dunlop Miller is a retired minister in the Church of Scotland.
A retired minister and a very humble, modest man, he refuses any luxurious gifts offered to him by his successful sons.
The bride's father, a retired Congregational minister, participated in the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev.
As a retired minister in the United Church of Christ, I disagree.
Koehler is a retired minister in the United Church of Christ.
She is the daughter of the retired major general Mohammad Al Hariri, a former deputy interior minister.
Particularly memorable too are the retired ministers who themselves carried into the cellars the cherished contents of their former manse libraries.
The writer is a retired Presbyterian minister.
As a retired minister he became Superintendent of Colportage.
The major exception was the effort to enlist a resistance commander or a respected retired general from an earlier era to become minister of defense.