Several hundred active and retired journalists, politicians, Government officials, relatives and friends attended the service.
"John was very liberal about everything," James P. Brown, a retired journalist who was a member of the editorial board from 1967 to 1976, recalled.
Her mother, known professionally as Jeanette Newman, is a retired journalist and public relations consultant.
Mr. Kail, a retired journalist, also started running in his early 50's and has run 25 consecutive marathons.
He had lunch with a retired judge and a retired journalist, and laughed all the way through the meal.
He's had 25 years to reflect on his experience, but the retired journalist still struggles to find the words.
Dobelle's widow, Claire Dobelle, is a retired journalist and television producer.
But to others, said Mr. Harper, a retired journalist in Manhattan, it seems like one more excuse for his inability to "take care of business."
Fraser Kelly is a retired Canadian journalist, broadcaster and corporate executive.
Joseph P. Ritz is an author, playwright and retired journalist.