I told her I'd just stun her and used her handprint and retina pattern even if she was semiconscious.
Authorized for two retina patterns only.
Central Processing says your retina pattern is not on file.
And we checked his retina pattern.
Alterations to fingerprints and retina patterns were an old story; you never caught anyone with access to underworld tailoring shops that way.
Light shot out, verifying her retina pattern.
They'll have records of your fingerprints and your retina pattern, right out of the files of the Population Board.
Since Chaise owns the bank he will help us to fake the identification, retina patterns and all that.
If a laser hits it, the screen will fail, allowing the camera to photograph your retina pattern.
Customs and immigration clearance was no more difficult than slipping an ID wafer into a reader and having a retina pattern confirmed.