She guided him to another huge vine, and they sat down on its resilient surface.
My feet found themselves upon a different, more resilient surface from which vegetation sprouted as the fighting extended into another plane.
She guided his hands to the waterbag, held them against the resilient surface.
Nessus danced; his small clawed hooves seemed barely to touch the resilient surface of the walk.
The parklike hill was neatly landscaped, and the trail paved with a soft, resilient surface.
She went to lean on the window, her fingers indenting its resilient surface.
Jedrik moved softly with her own preparations, straightened the bedog and caressed its resilient surface.
Abruptly the Planet went down onto the resilient surface, the Star on top, pinning him.
He felt a wash of relief, and worked his footclaws into the resilient surface of the deck.
Mist sucked their rushing bodies in, savored them, coughed them out onto a surface resilient as water.