Collins offers empirical evidence that sustained financial success requires implementation of this model.
All proposed geoengineering techniques require implementation on a relatively large scale, in order to make a significant difference to the Earth's climate.
Significant release of radioactive material likely to require implementation of planned countermeasures.
Mr. Ventura is finding that even firm campaign pledges require careful implementation.
Restoration is a complex process that requires planning, implementation, monitoring, and management.
The Nagoya Protocol's success will require effective implementation at the domestic level.
Some code golf questions, such as those posed on general programming sites, may not require implementation in a specific programming language.
The demographic change which is taking place thus requires a general adaptation of the individual social systems and rapid and efficient implementation.
This judgment requires the development, definition and implementation of a unitary strategy and common commitment.
Successful recovery from data loss generally requires implementation of an effective backup strategy.