It is unconscionable for the president to delay implementation of this project for political purposes.
Now, three years before the deadline to deliver on that promise, the Government has decided to delay implementation by one year.
But he said that, in general, he was "moving toward delaying implementation" of the plan.
It proposes that the new system become law, but asks Congress to delay implementation pending dry runs and more revision.
The strategy was to delay implementation while they transferred their work to the national level.
School administration was also decentralized, although opposition from teachers has delayed implementation of this reform.
Technical problems and funding issues delayed implementation of the project on a wider scale.
Public hearings are expected to delay implementation of any increase until the spring.
Concerns about the effect restrictions would have on employment figures also played a part in delaying implementation of the recommendations.
"We have only reluctantly taken this step of delaying implementation," he said on the Senate floor.