His work - realistically rendered scenes that are pastiches of other artists' photographs, sometimes violent and sexually explicit - has been called derivative and prurient.
Marche, who's only 29 years old, tends not to write fully rendered scenes, and instead lists the key players and events as if dictating notes to himself.
While I wasn't able to do any real benchmarking, the program seemed to render very complex scenes very very fast.
You render scenes of maple sugaring, haying, work in the fields and children and their pets at play.
He excelled in rendering scenes of chivalry, of medievalism, and generally of the romantic aspects of the past.
Actually rendering scenes was excruciatingly slow.
It was designed to render complex scenes in high-quality at 60 frames per second, roughly four or two times the performance of the RealityEngine it replaces.
Constable rendered scenes over and over again but never quite the same way twice, and the exhibition lays out the diversity of his technique and approach.
The tomb is famous for its rich, finely rendered scenes of plant, animal and bird life.
The film alternates between several animation styles: fully rendered scenes, simple drawings, black and white line illustrations and quick notepad sketches.