Asia's best days were still ahead, and the region recovered quickly to register the fastest economic growth rates in the world.
Many economists argue that the region will recover from the current crisis in a relatively short time.
If interest rates in Brazil continue to decline, then the region can recover more quickly than people think.
The region recovered only slowly from the loss of people and buildings.
The water was gone, but it would be long before the region recovered.
"While the region will someday recover and return to normalcy, it won't happen quickly."
In the first 2 weeks of recovery, all regions recovered at a rate of 10-15mg/ml per week.
But before the city and the region recover from last week's terrorist assault, they are destined to go through a tough time.
"We still believe the region will recover quickly and remain the fastest-growing market for air travel," he said.
It would be decades before the region recovered from the damage inflicted by the raid.