The gully's top wall was the refuse pit for the now-disused summit observatory.
Excavators uncovered 145 burials at Tallassee- 27 of which were classified as Cherokee- and 18 refuse pits.
After the first published report, the Mayor said, the body was hidden outside the village in a refuse pit, where it was eventually found by the police.
It has come to the point where they call Russia a refuse pit!
A rocket had landed here and removed the man-made objects after studying a human refuse pit.
Perhaps it carried away the human device and the landing plaque, with what information it could gather from a refuse pit.
A refuse pit dating from Roman times has also been found at Swanwick.
Rolf walked to intercept her at the refuse pits, which lay at an angle of windowless wall between tavern and stable.
Each aerie has its refuse pit.
He was taken to the refuse pit.