It was like touching a slab of refrigerated meat.
The crisis was eventually fixed with the growing exports of refrigerated meat to Europe, a new developing industrial method of the time.
Ionic was originally built to transport refrigerated meat and passengers from the United Kingdom to New Zealand.
Marquis de Mores wanted to ship refrigerated meat to Chicago via the railroad.
Sodium nitrite is well known for its role in inhibiting the growth of Clostridium botulinum spores in refrigerated meats.
The experiment failed, ruining public confidence in refrigerated meat at that time.
After her death eleven months later, he travelled to Queensland to launch the Australian trade in refrigerated meat.
One year later, in 1882, the first commercially successful shipment of refrigerated meat arrived in London from Australia on board the Dunedin.
In the first year the company exported 73,443 boxes of refrigerated meat.
In 1890 he joined William in his new business of importing refrigerated meat from Argentina.