Henry wanted to change this, and in November 1529 Parliament passed Acts reforming apparent abuses in the English Church.
He wished to reform abuses which had been introduced into the Church; but had no private resentment to gratify.
He set himself to reform abuses, and attended the general council of Florence, in order to obtain authority from Pope Eugenius IV for his contemplated reforms.
On 30 June 1783 Fitzwilliam gave his maiden speech, giving the government's objections to the Shelburnite MP William Pitt's Bill to reform abuses in public offices.
Some of us have over-emphasized unimportant points, and others have not adequately reformed obvious abuses.
In the following year he was selected by Matthew Parker as a visitor to reform abuses in the two Kentish dioceses.
He made his name as a novelist in 1856, when he published It Is Never Too Late to Mend, a novel written to reform abuses in prison discipline and the treatment of criminals.
In his anxiety to reform abuses and to secure the welfare of Ireland, by an uncompromising and impetuous zeal, he made many bitter and unrelenting enemies.
Scholars have called him a saintly pope because he reformed abuses by the Church, including simony, nepotism and the lavish papal expenditures that had caused him to inherit a papal debt of 50,000,000 scudi.
He intervened against encroachments on the part of the bishops, reformed various abuses, and abolished the ordeal by hot iron.