Referring to barristers' opposition to the extension of rights of audience, he said Lord Mackay had withstood enormous pressures.
He was referring to her opposition to his plans for her security.
Referring to Mr. Day's opposition to abortion, he added: "We do not want a party that threatens a woman's right to choose."
Mr. McCain regularly refers to his lifelong opposition to abortion rights.
"I can solve that problem by becoming his boss," Prokhorov said, referring to Surkov's possible opposition to his candidacy.
Statesmen in the post-war years have often referred to their opposition to appeasement as a justification for firm, sometimes armed, action in international relations.
He was referring to eastsiders' opposition to the placement of low-income housing in their neighborhoods.
"They aren't sure of themselves," she said, referring to her opposition among faculty members.
This may have referred to his opposition in 1880 to a parliamentary bill, which he labelled as "Un-Christian", to restrict freedoms of Chinese nationals.