I refer to little room behind office, opening at the side on check-room.
It was not surprising that the rest had come to think of him (and to refer to him behind his back) as "the Boy Wonder."
Refer to the main article arterial gas embolism for the mechanism of injury behind AGE.
The word ham originally referred to the fat and muscle behind the knee.
Note: 'Deficit' refers to the amount of time behind the leader a competitor began the cross-country portion of the event.
Phantom center refers to the way human ears detect the location of a sound; straight ahead, above, or behind the head.
"Don't get the house in the picture," she instructed, referring to an enormous home with white columns behind her.
The juniors referred to him behind his back as the Wise Monkey, and the term amused him.
The grave is in the form of a menhir referring to the famous neolithic site directly behind the graveyard.
The CVS pharmacist referred a reporter to the manager behind aisle 14.