The conditions referred to above take account of criteria similar to those for the open-ended funds in item 9.
Within the increase referred to above Business Development income rose to £293,656 from £261,472 last year.
The name originally referred to the castle above the settlement.
Supraorbital refers to the region immediately above the eye sockets, where in humans the eyebrows are located.
In the article referred to above A C Robin also found a more complicated formula for the general paper bag.
It refers to the upper part of the body, which includes the shoulders and above.
Are you referring to the article or the post just above yours?
Degrees north (also styled N) may refer to latitude at or above the equator.
Paracopyright is a term that refers to an umbrella of legal protections above and beyond traditional copyright.
In the martial arts, the noun jōdan refers specifically to a target area of the body, including the shoulders and above.