Paul Brown - Julie's real-life brother plays himself on the show.
Gracie Allen's real-life brother was apparently the only person who didn't find the gag funny, and he eventually asked them to stop.
Jonny's real-life brother is Colin, but after hanging out with these two, I'm beginning to wonder if they were related in a previous life.
The two brothers Thomas and William are played by real-life brothers.
His character was killed off and replaced by his real-life brother, Tom Conway.
A scene featuring member Jay Aston being attacked by a man (played by her real-life brother, Lance) was cut from the finished version.
Kapoor's youngest real-life brother Shashi Kapoor plays the younger version of his character.
Shimon Ito, his real-life brother, was clear and vigorous in the all-important mime scenes.
His two older brothers were portrayed by his real-life brothers, Michael and Tommy.
She co-starred with Guy Pearce and her real-life brother, Omero.