The majority of locally produced comedy and drama on commercial networks is shown during the ratings period.
"In that important ratings period, we are locking up the male viewers who haven't been visiting our shores for a long time."
July 2009 showed to be this station's best ratings period to date.
It is the first time since 1991 that an English-language station has remained No. 1 for three consecutive ratings periods.
In the recent ratings period, it beat the others stations' combined weeknights at 5, 6, and 10.
No reason was given by the Network as to why it was shown out of the official ratings period.
How delicious then that one of them is pinning its hopes during an important ratings period on a movie about dinosaurs returning from oblivion.
And all three networks will save some original programming for May, another ratings period closely watched by advertisers.
His reign as champion still rates amongst the highest ratings period the program has ever enjoyed.
Fox, like all the other networks, is beginning a special ratings period called a sweep month on Thursday night.