The suburb since the end of WW2 has seen its most rapid period of expansion and a steady growth in families moving to the area.
A reasonably rapid cool-down period is required after this time.
While this 5-year plan did not bring about an immediately self-reliant economy, there was a rapid period of growth out of this policy.
First, the United States economy by most accounts is beginning to downshift to a less rapid period of growth.
It also means the glacier can undergo rapid periods of advancing and retreating movement.
There followed a rapid period of merger and acquisition.
Beginning in the late 1950s the University experienced the most rapid period of growth in its history.
I am very pessimistic about our ability to persuade the Iranians to fundamentally change their behavior and to do it in a rapid period of time.
The neighbourhood showed a particularly rapid period of growth in the late 1980s, when one out of three dwellings were built.
Today the town is experiencing a rapid period of growth, both economically and demographically.