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They also developed a plastic tongue cleaner for raking off plaque.
I kept imagining broken glass raking across my body, over and over.
It tried to give me a Mohawk by raking its claws over my scalp.
How about raking all that moola into a neat little stack, okay?"
He scrambled towards her, raking with the suit grapples.
The easiest way is by raking them out with a small hook scraper designed for scraping paint.
Storm clouds massed in the north more thickly than ever, long gray fingers raking the land.
She fought him, raking his face and his chest with her nails, but he was immune to hurt.
I am one man polarized by raking.
When raking under a dogwood, if it is at all possible, keep the leaves separate for discard and never add them to a compost pile.
He continued raking back and forth until all the P.O.W.s were dead.
Anderson had apparently brought in a fresh load of dirt and had spread it around to dry before raking.
The act of raking the gravel into a pattern recalling waves or rippling water has an aesthetic function.
He was hired for one day, about five hours, raking leaves and helping Mr. Smart with some roof work.
He stared at her for a long moment, his gaze raking over her, before turning to stare out the small window before him.
This allows unlimited time outside the ring and illegal moves such as eye raking and choking are allowed at all times.
"You had to keep raking the pebbles," Mrs. Heise explained.
"They'll say, 'I was raking my leaves and it seems like traffic is going like heck.'
He fell to the ground, tumbling over and over, the creature's claws raking him up and down.
Its sharp front claws sank into the moorhound's flanks, raking the skin and the ribs underneath it.
Jaem, her Warder, walked beside her, head bent in close conversation, now and then raking a hand through his thinning gray hair.
A wind rose up, raking its sound along the tree branches, hitting our faces like an oven blast, like the sudden breezes of hell.
A flying Guenhwyvar slammed into them sidelong, the panther spinning about with all four paws raking wildly.
They launched this effort by raking and cleaning up the lawns of local senior citizens and several recreational parks within the Rutland area.
Indefatigable close in and exchanged broadsides, without succeeding in her attempts at raking Virginie.