Higher pay for teachers and a national plan to attract the best talent to the profession and raise its social stature.
The article raised his stature and visibility from the computer room up to the executive suite.
The victory greatly raised Japan's stature in the world of global politics.
He also determined that the best way to raise the law school's stature was to raise the quality of students.
More than anyone, perhaps, Jackson knows what October can do to raise a player's stature.
But it will be a formidable challenge for him to raise his stature beyond the domestic context.
Players hoped to raise their stature from, say, a projected bottom-of-the-second-round pick to the top of the second round.
In the process, he has raised the sport's stature to somewhere between auto racing and soccer across much of Europe.
Government departments are being told to raise their stature and put their best face forward.
Do you raise his stature, or ignore him and hope he doesn't get traction?